This week was my first week at camp and it was a good one. Monday I got going by fixing a chainlink fence that was smashed by a fallen tree. Tuesday I cut grass and cleaned up the fallen tree. Then Wednesday and Thursday I painted lines on the Basketball court and cleaned some overspray paint of window sills and light fixtures in the dinning hall. Fin
ally Friday I cleaned the camp (with the family that takes care of the facility) so that it would be ready for the camps this weekend and next week. Everything is going well so far there.
This next week is going to probably be the most interesting for me. I am attending a leader's camp that is going to be a lot o
f teaching. Then Tuesday through Friday I am counseling at a kid's camp. Finally, Satruday through Monday I
am counseling at a teen camp. I would really appreciate prayer for an open heart during this time and that God would use me for His glory this week. (I am a little nervous about conseling having never done it before and then adding in a little bit of a language
barrier too. ) Thanks for all the prayer. :)