I am still down at Camp in Villa de Leyva. Things have been going well. These last two weeks we have been working on sanding down and varnishing all the tables and benches in dinning room. This has been a slightly bigger task than we originally thought it would be. First we didn't have any power sanders. Thankfully one of the other missionaries in Bogota had a (very nice!) belt sander that he let us borrow. Now we are working on varnishing the tables that we have already sanded. The varnish is proving to be difficult and therefore the job is going to take more time than we had hoped. The largest problem is the varnishing because I will be able to sand everything by a week from Thursday (July 28, the day before I leave camp). But the problem is that there is a group coming in on Friday evening (July 29) and they will need to be able to use the tables (at least most of them). So we need to get that done. I also need to prepare for a sermon which will be presented on July 31. So time is a little short on many fronts. Please pray that God will make us wise to know how to spend our time this next week. Finally the Mendoza family (who live here at the camp as caretakers/administrators) are getting hit with some kind of a cold or the like. That is making everything a little more difficult, so pray for the whole situation.
I will be praying for health for the Mendoza family and also for the sermon preparation for you! I have been praying about the table project...so it will be interesting how that all ends up....Can you believe you are down to the last two weeks?